Hello! I'm
I'm not just a software engineer; I'm a creator of immersive, user-centric experiences. With a solid foundation in software architecture and a flair for innovative design, I bridge the gap between complex functionality and user-friendly interfaces.
Skills and credentials
Experienced with:
C#, C/C++, Java, HTML, CSS, JS, Python, SQL, among others.
All used for projects ranging from embedded systems to applications, games, and web development.
Familiar with tech such as IDEs (e.g. Visual Studio Code), virtual machines, containerization, version control systems (Git, Perforce), CI/CD, games engines (Unity, Unreal). Used numerous cloud services (AWS, Azure, PaaS, SaaS) for varying purposes.
Alumnus of a top Swedish university, Chalmers University of Technology, with a degree in Computer Engineering (2013 - 2016).
Human Languages
Born and raised in Sweden. Vietnamese heritage. Speaks Swedish and English at native/bilingual proficiency.
Chess Simulator
Hyperion Games
Created and developed a chess sandbox game. Features 3D movement and physics where one can interact with all visible game objects.
Contains chess AI powered by the world's strongest chess engine, albeit restricted to give humans a chance.
Targeted at mobile platforms. Shipped globally.
Tech: Unity, C#, chess artificial intelligence.
Game Prototypes and Mechanics
Hyperion Games
Developed an Unreal multiplayer shooter game prototype, primarily to get familiar with the engine. Inspired by battle royale games.
Tech: Unreal, C++.
Worked on a city-builder game with very open and unrestrictive build system.
Tech: Unity, C#.
Unity first person shooter game.
Tech: Unity, C#.
Also worked on a team project game engine with multiplayer capability involving design and development of a networking protocol and server-authoritative client-server model architecture.
Tech: Java, multi-threading, networking, TCP, UDP, protocols, audio.
Networking for Railway Signalling System
Bombardier (Fortune 500)
Developed on a traffic control system project for Bombardier Transportation. The system is meant for smaller areas of operations where a complete Traffic Control Centre (TCC) solution would be excessive. This would also
smaller control devices, such as a mobile device to be used to operate wayside objects. I was responsible for the the data communication (network) aspects of the project, implementing communication between the Object Controller
(OCS) and Central Traffic Control (CTC) subsystems.
Report available online here (details omitted due to NDA).
Tech: Linux, distributed system, C, C#, Java.

Educational Open World Game
Worked in a team project to develop an educational open world mobile game. A game that would be able to substitute lessons and homework. The game is played out on islands where you can play minigames, earn tokens, buy
building blocks
and build. The minigames would revolve around answering questions. I wore many hats, developed mechanics in several areas of the project including questions mechanics, boat vehicle with physics, fish AI. I also created 3D models
and mentored other developers in Unity.
Tech: Unity, 3D physics, 3D modeling (Blender), optimization, C#.

Pathfinding Visualization
Created a pathfinding visualizer using C# and Unity.
The tool visualizes Dijkstra's algorithm, as well as the A* search algorithm, for educational purposes.
These algorithms are used in many applications, including games, and robotics
where pathfinding is utilized for characters/agents to be able to navigate through the environment or networks.
As well as in route planning.
Using Python and a UI framework, created "Pasteboard", a clipboard manager application that allows you to save and manage your clipboard history.
An entry is made every time you use the Copy command and allows easy access to past entries.
The idea for this application appeared while trying out penetration testing that required variations of payloads.
Managing snippets became a whole lot easier with this tool, which can be used in many scenarios where you need to manage many versions of different snippets, or texts.
Say trying different approaches in an algorithm, or restructuring paragraphs of text.
Serving as a clipboard history, it also lets you save versions of texts and easily find them again later in a visual user interface.
Since then, Windows has implemented a lite feature with this functionality with Win+V.
Getting personal
While studying the sciences, I came to realize that I gained a lot of knowledge but was unable to do anything with it. Because of this, I chose to pursue engineering, where one puts knowledge and also creativity to practical use. I enjoy solving problems and creating things.
I consider myself a creative person, which is essential to coming up with new solutions. I like designing, but that is not my focus. My focus as a software engineer is to put together the technical things which tend to be invisible, but I also have the skills to make things look nice.
Some neat things I was part of.
Genshin Impact Lore
Genshin Impact is a live-service gacha RPG by miHoYo released in September 2020, and is among the world's most popular games. The game is among the most expensive games ever made, if not the most, at a cost of $500 million USD by its 2nd anniversary with a revenue of over $3 billion USD per year.
I wrote and designed a series of lore articles for the game Genshin Impact, which became popular and viral within the community. The theories became a main influence in lore discussions and
has significantly influenced the community's perception of the game's lore. Perhaps even the writers' as well.
Military Roleplay Leadership β Executive Officer & Gamemaster
Roleplay is used in real life to train all kinds of professions at their jobs. Be it paramedics, police, soldiers, or government agents. Roleplay simulates real scenarios while removing harmful and costly consequences.
For one year, I was part of a military roleplay community involving 100,000+ members β the largest of its kind. I rose through the ranks from private to executive officer of a reconnaissance division,
co-commanding said division of around 100 active members. I gained recognition for my actions, leadership, and strategy, and was made an officer.
As an officer I created comprehensive documentation of structure and procedures, and streamlined processes revolving recruitment, trainings, discipline and knowledge, improving overall management in an exemplary manner.
The chain of command (ascending order): Private, Private First Class, Lance Corporal, Corporal, Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, Sergeant First Class, Master Sergeant, First Sergeant, Sergeant Major, Warrant Officer, Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel, Executive Officer, Commander.
I was also accepted as a gamemaster for the community, orchestrating large-scale events and missions for the community with other gamemasters, as well as for smaller groups for more intimate storylines.
Typing, Guides & Articles
I've written multiple helpful guides and articles in different subjects to help others. In general, I just like to write, to share knowledge and help others out. My typing speed is 120+ words per minute (peak is higher) which is statistically in the top 1%, considered a "competitive speed".
Translate Facebook β Translations used billions of times
I contributed to translating Facebook using its built-in web service, with contributions used many billions of times (according to Facebook's own system).
Volunteering β Good Faith
I have spent a lot of time helping others with their problems related to technology/studies and sharing my knowledge, anonymously. Not for likes, reputation or money, but because I enjoy helping others and I believe it is the right thing to do.
Occam's Razor
I have a tendency to prefer simplicity. Designing for simplicity is best practice. It's a must to
get more people to use your product. It's also a must to make it easier to maintain and extend.
Explaining things in a simple manner keeps things understandable and clear with less expended mental capacity.
I like Einstein's quote: "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."
Often people make up explanations that kind of make sense, but don't really understand it themselves.
Being able to put things simply means you have a good understanding of the subject.
No self-rating
The Dunning-Kruger effect is the bias in a person with low ability assessing themself as superior. In the same vein as "The more you know, the more you know you don't know," said by Aristotle, and Einstein's quote: βThe more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.β I understand that there is so much more than one can possibly know, and thus avoid overrating my abilities. A person can not accurately evaluate oneself without comparing to something else for reference.
Effort is wasted when recreating something that already exists. That effort should instead be used to solve new problems, or at least make improved solutions to make progress. After all, we stand on the shoulders of giants.
I am a very honest person. I believe in a world without lies because it would be far more straightforward.
Positive Outlook
I look at the bright things and try to avoid negativity. I believe in the greatness of humanity. Evident in our technological progress and ingenuity. Those who believe in the opposite would say that humanity is plague to the world. I believe the opposite of that. I believe that whatever happens to the world, we will strive to look for sustainable methods and adjust to new conditions, and move towards a brighter future, because that's the trend we have been on. So that, ultimately, we may find the answers to our unanswered questions.
Develop worlds
Unleash creativity.
Write a book or two, and articles
Share knowledge. Teach others to do more.
Always prefered the big picture; having a holistic view of things.
Get in touch
Whether you're looking to build a new application from scratch or improve an existing one,
I'm here to help. Let's work together to turn your vision into a reality.
βοΈ Mail to qualuo@gmail.com, or use the form: